Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Weekend Before Finals Week

Okay, so this list is for the entire weekend, but you really can't blame me if I've been too busy soaking up real life to use my precious time on the internet, can you?  So, without further ado . . .

Cinnamon scones with real whipped cream (Ab made them for my birthday.  She knows me well.)
Handel's Messiah + Standing and singing the Hallelujah Chorus = Awe, pure awe
     "The kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign
Tall boots and fringy scarf
Early bedtime on friday (I needed it to reinforce me for saturday night!)
Skimming radio stations with Sarah and singing whatever we came across on the way to Houston
Christy's bridal shower . . . and finally meeting the other bridesmaids
Addressing Wedding Invitations until entirely too late at night/early in the morning
     We were delirious and hilarious
Scotcharoos and yummy African coffee
Buying wedding gifts - I have so many friends getting married!

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